Capacity strengthening of the technical, IT, administrative personnel and health operations in DIRIS Lima North and EESS Carabayllo and San Martin

Capacity strengthening of the technical, IT, administrative personnel and health operations in DIRIS Lima North and EESS Carabayllo and San Martin
    Capacity strengthening of the technical, IT, administrative personnel and health operations in DIRIS Lima North and EESS Carabayllo and San Martin

    The Lima North Health Integrated Network Department (DLN) covers a population of 2,765,706 people, distributed in 9 districts. In order to meet the healthcare needs of the population, the DLN has 3 hospitals and 98 first-level healthcare facilities, out of which 12 are located in Carabayllo and 16 in San Martín de Porres.

    We must consider the Venezuelan immigration in population living in the districts since 80% of Venezuelan immigrants live in Lima and around 50% of them live in Lima North, especially in the district of San Martín de Porres, part of the DLN (INEI, 2017 Census).

    As a result of the research about the quality of the services and the efficiency of the processes, such as the one related to healthcare assurance in immigrants, and the use of information in decision making, training needs in the technical, IT, administrative personnel and operators were identified. They can be summarized as follows:

    • Build capacities of the healthcare assurance personnel in regards to the current regulations about the affiliation of immigrant population.
    • Build capacities of the DLN technical teams, statisticians and IT personnel of the healthcare facilities in using of IT tools for handling information.
    • Build capacities of the personnel responsible for the services related to immigrants’ rights, healthcare routes for the specific needs of the immigrant population, attention quality, immigrant attention, communication for development, among other things.

    With the help of UNICEF, there is a consideration to provide technical support for building the capacities of the DLN personnel and that of the 28 healthcare facilities in Carabayllo and San Martin de Porres districts.


    Build the basic capacities of the personnel in healthcare facilities with a special focus in the people experimenting vulnerability conditions/situations, such as the immigrant population, in order to improve the personnel’s capacities to provide a better attention for suiting the needs and expectations of the users.

    Source of funding: UNICEF

    Scope of intervention:

    DLN personnel and that of 30 healthcare facilities in Carabayllo and San Martín de Porres.

    Duration: June 2019 – May 2020

    Expected Results:

    1. Lima North DIRIS technical teams with a better knowledge of software to exploit and manage the HIS MINSA database which improves the information analysis and use.
    2. A strong assurance personnel knowledgeable of the current regulations about the affiliation of the immigrant population.
    3. A frontline healthcare personnel with improved attention quality.

    Training areas:

    1. IT tools.
    2. Assurance.
    3. Improve the quality of attention.


    • Product 1: Basic Excel Course (September) with trained and certified 36 IT managers and healthcare personnel, 29 of which belong to the first-level statistics team and to the DIRIS LN. Intermediate Excel Course (September and October) with trained and certified 68 IT managers and healthcare personnel, 54 of which belong to the first-level statistics team and to the DIRIS LN. SPSS Course (November) with trained and certified 32 IT managers and healthcare personnel, 25 of which belong to the first-level statistics team and to the DIRIS LN.
      Also, in the districts of Carabayllo and San Martín de Porres, 28 Health Facilities (EESS) received the first round of technical assistance visits and 13 Health Facilities (EESS) received the second round of technical assistance visits.
    • Product 2: Workshop for strengthening the affiliation process to SIS (October) with trained 31 people responsible for affiliation in DIRIS and the Health Facilities (EESS) in Carabayllo and San Martín de Porres.
    • Product 3: Elaboration, revision and approval of 4 training modules of the workshop, where each module has a facilitation guide, a Power Point presentation and a handout for the participant. Between November and December, four-module workshop for four groups with 68 participants in total.



    Prisma ONG