The native communities of the Lower Urubamba, located in the area of influence of the Camisea Project directed by the Pluspetrol–Tecpetrol Consortium, took part in the project executed by Prisma to improve the health and nutrition of the population in a period of five years.
OBJECTIVE: To improve the health and food security in the population of 7 native communities and 2 rural settlements in the Lower Urubamba, with emphasis on children under 3 years of age.
Source of funding: Pluspetrol – Tecpetrol.
Project area: Matsigenkas native communities of: Camisea, Chocoriari, Kirigueti, Nuevo Mundo, Shivankoreni, Cashiriari and Segakiato, and the rural settlements of Shintorini and Tupac Amaru in the district of Echarate, Cusco.
Duration: May 2008 – May 2013