Crecer Bien

    Crecer Bien is a nutrition education program from the school. It is part of the initiative of the Asociación Peru Vive Bien – APVB, formed by Nestlé, Coca Cola Company, Alicorp, Lindley and Pepsico. The program seeks to promote healthy habits based on 3 thematic axes: healthy eating, physical activity and hygiene in children of initial 5 years, first and second of primary education institutions located in Ventanilla, Carmen de la Legua, San Juan de Miraflores, El Agustino, Villa María del Triunfo, Ate and Pucusana. This is done through teacher training, workshops for parents and activities throughout the school year that promote the 3 axes of the program.


    To promote healthy habits  in 3 main themes: Healthy Nutrition, Hygiene and Physical Activity in children from 5 to 8 years old.

    Funding Source: Asociación Perú Vive Bien – APVB

    Intervention area:

    152 schools of Ventanilla, Carmen de la Legua, San Juan de Miraflores, El Agustino, Villa María del Triunfo, Ate y Pucusana. 16 845 children under 5 years old, firt and second years of Elementary Schoool, 3 891 moms and dads and 588 teachers.

    Duration: June 2016 – December 2016


    Prisma ONG