Guinea Ecuatorial 2011

    Formation in obstetrical and neonatal emergency care (CONUC), Ministry of Health of Equatorial Guinea
    In Equatorial Guinea, the maternal mortality rate was 352 per 100.000 live births, and infant mortality was 93 per 1000.  In view of these high mortality indicators in the country, the Ministry of Health, with the financial support of UNFPA, considered it necessary to build the capacities of the health professionals for the management of obstetric and neonatal emergencies.

    Assistance was provided under the terms of an agreement signed between Prisma and Pathfinder International.  It should be mentioned that the latter, in 2009, developed and presented the Training Modules for the Improvement of Skills of Health Professionals in Obstetrical and Neonatal Emergency Care, and these modules have been validated for several years in Peru.  The training modules were recently used in a project of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (IFGO) that was executed by the Peruvian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Peru (2006-2010).

    The modular training system to be used in Equatorial Guinea had the support of scale models that had been prepared for post-abortion care with endo-uterine manual aspiration, application of IUDs, examination of postpartum cervical tears, and manual removal of the placenta. It includes the use of NASGs (non-pneumatic anti-shock garments), a topic dealt with in the postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) module. The curriculum of the training workshop was developed in 11 working days, and the event took place in the city of Malabo in April and May 2011.

    Source of funding/Client: Equatorial Guinea UNFPA Office


    Prisma ONG