In consortium with ESAN University, Prisma participated in the pilot assessment of the dissemination process of the 2008 Census Student Assessment results, and the design of strategies for optimizing the use of the reports of these results. This materialized in coordination with the Quality Measurement Unit (UMC) and included the proposal of improved instruments for the dissemination of the result reports.
According to the terms of reference of the consultancy, this will help strengthen accountability at the different levels of the education system; and it will help with institutional planning – both pedagogical and administrative – thanks to the increased access to, and use of, the education information by families, teachers, directors, municipal staff, and staff of the education sector.
As part of the consortium, Prisma participated with ESAN in the process of preparation of the products agreed on in the consultancy, and was responsible for designing the methodological proposal for dissemination of the UMC (quality measurement) reports of the Ministry of Education, by formulating a strategic communication plan based on the study results. The plan was flexible, and could be adjusted to the reality of each zone. The aim was to promote participatory and inclusive dialogue and also ongoing feedback processes that would help enrich the selected strategies, as well as the messages and materials produced.
Objective: To offer an alternative line of support for children and adolescents who live in homes, shelters, villages or in situations of social risk – fundamentally to those who live in the street, in extreme poverty or in both situations, as they are highly vulnerable to violence (physical, psychological and sexual), sexual exploitation and substance abuse.
Source of funding: Donation Nº TF090644 “Preparation of the second tranche of the Programmatic Social Reform Loan” of the World Bank (WB), executed by the Unit of Coordination of Sector Loans (UCPS) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).
Project area: 625 children from 12 early childhood education schools, PRONOEIS (Non-Formal Early Education Program Centers) and a Playroom in the district of Chincha Baja, also involving the schools in the districts of Grocio Prado and Sunampe.
Duration: February – December 2009