Since 2015, the Zika virus has spread throughout Latin America. The Peruvian Minister of health established the “National Plan to prepare and respond to Zika”- Peru 2016 (RM N° 044/MINSA), that institutes the need to implement preventive actions against the introduction of Zika virus into Peru. Based on this need UNICEF works with PRISMA to implement these actions in Loreto and Ucayali as well as promoting a multisectorial response and dissemination of communications to communities and families.
Principal objective:
Diseminate knowledge and information about self-care practices to avoid transmission of Zika and other diseases among families, especially among adolescents.
Funding source:
Intervention area:
3000 families, 5 community organizations, 21 local authorities and leaders, 60 community health agents, 30 health workers and 60 young and adolescent leaders in the district of San Juan Bautista and Belén in Maynas (province), in Loreto, and the district of Callería, province of Coronel Portillo, Ucayali.
Project duration
Phase II: March to October 2018