Thanks to the support of Hunt Oil Company Peru, this program was executed as part of the Camisea Project’s social development contribution, which seeks to help reduce morbidity and mortality of the mother-and-child population living in the 66 communities of its area of influence in Ayacucho and Huancavelica. To this end, it has planned to strengthen the component of infrastructure in water and sanitation (installation and/or repair of clean drinking water systems, installation of latrines and improved stoves), as well as the construction of waiting houses [for women about to give birth]. Another component developed was the capacity building of health personnel and members of the Water Boards (JASS), as well as the education of families with children under five years of age in order to achieve the change to healthy behaviors.
To reduce the morbidity rates in the mother-and-child population living in the area of influence of the Camisea Project, specifically in the peasant population of the regions of Ayacucho and Huancavelica.
Source of funding: Hunt Oil Company of Perú.
Project area: 4 provinces, 13 districts and 66 communities of Ayacucho and Huancavelica.
Duration: 40 months