Prisma NGO provides technical assistance to UNFPA- Honduras since 2014.
Using the results of the last “Study of the availability of contraceptives and maternal reproductive health inputs that saves lives, 2015” as a basis, the Prisma NGO team, in coordination with UNFPA-OP works on the development of a logistics model for the availability assurance of medical inputs at the regional and health establishment level as well as on the implementation of an information system that complements the model.
Prisma NGO is also supporting the consolidation of the process of Estimation and Planning as well as Storage operations.
Project objective: Provide technical assistance to SESAL for the implementation of the Master plan for Health Inputs Availability Assurance in the process of Estimation and planning, Storing, Purchasing and Distribution plan to the health establishment level.
Funding source: UNFPA Honduras
Intervention area:
- Regions Corredor Seco, Lempira, Intibucá, La Paz, Alonso Suazo, El Pedregal, El Manchen, Villa Nueva.
- Health Region of Metropolitan Tegucigalpa, La Lima and Potrerillos in the Health Region of Cortez.
Duration: From 2014 to 2018