He has been a professor of International Health at Johns Hopkins University since 1991 and also a research professor in the Department of Microbiology at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia since 1993.
Senior Research Investigator at Prisma NGO
Successful experiences
He has worked for over 25 years and has published over 700 works.
Along with his team he has developed a new test for the detection of viable Mycobacterium swabs that will provide a cost-effective method for detecting whether patients are eliminating their bacteria.
Also, they have worked for the last 12 years in the field of pediatric tuberculosis. His group pioneered the usefulness of the string test, nasopharyngeal aspirate and stool PCR for TB detection. In addition, they have demonstrated the usefulness of computer-based imagination.
In addition, they demonstrated the usefulness of hydrogel methods in urine as a diagnosis for Chagas disease, Toxoplasmosis and, more recently, Tuberculosis. As part of a RO1 training fellowship in Chagas disease and D43, they have incorporated trainees in their laboratory in Peru and techniques in Bolivia.

Research Subject: Diarrheal and other enteric diseases, diagnosis of tuberculosis, parasitic infections, management and training for the prevention of tropical diseases and community-based factors, climate associated with infectious diseases, mechanism of neurocysticercosis and diseases and autism in developing countries.

Position: Principal Investigator

E-mail: gilmanbob@gmail.com