Escombe AR, Oeser CC, Gilman RH, Navincopa M, Ticona E, Pan W, Martinez C, Chacaltana J, Rodriguez R, Moore DA, Friedland JS, Evans CA.

PLoS Med. 2007 Feb;4(2):e68.

The study was carried out in eight hospitals in Lima, Peru; five were hospitals of ‘‘oldfashioned’’ design built pre-1950, and three of ‘‘modern’’ design, built 1970–1990. In these hospitals 70 naturally ventilated clinical rooms where infectious patients are likely to be encountered were studied. These included respiratory isolation rooms, TB wards, respiratory wards, general medical wards, outpatient consulting rooms, waiting rooms, and emergency departments. These rooms were compared with 12 mechanically ventilated negative-pressure respiratory isolation rooms built post-2000. Ventilation was measured using a carbon dioxide tracer gas technique in 368 experiments. Architectural and environmental variables were measured. For each experiment, infection risk was estimated for TB exposure using the Wells- Riley model of airborne infection. We found that opening windows and doors provided median ventilation of 28 air changes/hour (ACH), more than double that of mechanically ventilated negative-pressure rooms ventilated at the 12 ACH recommended for high-risk areas, and 18 times that with windows and doors closed (p , 0.001). Facilities built more than 50 years ago, characterised by large windows and high ceilings, had greater ventilation than modern naturally ventilated rooms (40 versus 17 ACH; p , 0.001). Even within the lowest quartile of wind speeds, natural ventilation exceeded mechanical (p , 0.001). The Wells-Riley airborne infection model predicted that in mechanically ventilated rooms 39% of susceptible individuals would become infected following 24 h of exposure to untreated TB patients of infectiousness characterised in a well-documented outbreak. This infection rate compared with 33% in modern and 11% in pre-1950 naturally ventilated facilities with windows and doors open.

Saunders MJ, Wingfield T, Tovar MA, Baldwin MR, Datta S, Zevallos K, Montoya R, Valencia TR, Friedland JS, Moulton LH, Gilman RH, Evans CA.

Lancet Infect Dis. 2017 Nov;17(11):1190-1199

Contacts of tuberculosis index cases are at increased risk of developing tuberculosis. Screening, preventive therapy, and surveillance for tuberculosis are underused interventions in contacts, particularly adults. We developed a score to predict risk of tuberculosis in adult contacts of tuberculosis index cases.